Low Power Ice Protection Systems

Cox & Company Low Power Ice Protection Systems are the latest technology in aircraft ice protection, offering elegant and practical solutions on a wide range of aircraft lifting surfaces, fairings, inlets and aircraft structures. Cox's EMEDS & TMEDS technologies enable next-generation aircraft to remove bleed air and operate at a fraction of the power necessary for traditional electro-thermal systems.

Electro-Mechanical Expulsion Deicing System (EMEDS)

EMEDS is a proven ice protection alternative to pneumatic or electrical deicing boots on leading edges. EMEDS achieves reduced airfoil drag and surface erosion characteristics - while also improving deicing performance and aircraft aesthetics.

  • FAA Certified for Flight Into Known Icing on both Part 23 and Part 25 aircraft

  • In flying service on multiple commercial and military aircraft platforms since 2001

  • EMEDS is comprised of three line replaceable units: an electronic Deicing Control Unit (DCU) for timing and system control, an Energy storage Bank (ESB) to deliver high current electrical pulses, and a Leading Edge Assembly (LEA), consisting of actuators mounted in an airfoil-shaped structure with a metal or composite erosion shield.

  • A millisecond-duration high current electrical pulse delivered to the actuators in carefully controlled timed sequences generates opposing electro-magnetic fields that cause the actuators to change shape rapidly. This change of the actuator shape is transmitted to the erosion shield of the LEA causing it to flex and vibrate at very high frequencies. This rapid motion results in acceleration-based debonding of accumulated ice on the erosion shield. 

  • EMEDS is available as complete Leading Edge Structure or as System Components installed in existing or modified aircraft structure

Thermo-Mechanical Expulsion Deicing System (TMEDS)

The newest Low Power Ice Protection System offered by Cox, TMEDS builds upon the proven history of EMEDS and provides bleed-air / electro-thermal equivalent ice protection on leading edges at a fraction of the power.

  • Consistently removes thin ice accumulation by melting a thin layer of ice at the surface/ice interface and expeling the ice with EMEDS actuators

  • No ridge formation on the leading edge (at or oft of Parting Strip)

  • No time limitation inside flight in icing conditions

  • Protected surfaces are completely free of ice after exiting icing cloud; during icing encounter, intercycle ice growth is minimized based on available power and aerodynamic requirements

  • TMEDS is comprised of three line replaceable units similar to those of an EMEDS system, with the addition of heaters integral to the Leading Edge Assemblies and the associated controls within the Deicing Control Unit.

  • In service onboard large miltiary aircraft, available for commercial (FAA/EASA) certifcation

EMEDS + Electro-Thermal Hybrid

When continuous anti-ice performance is required with limtied available power, Cox's Hybrid systems combine its electro-thermal anti-icing and EMEDS technologies to provide an optimum solution

  • Electro-thermal running wet parting strip present along the critical areas/highlight of each lifting surface

  • EMEDS supplements the anti-icing parting strips by removing all runback ridges that develop

  • Precursor to Cox's latest TMEDS technology

  • FAA Certified for Flight Into Known Icing on Part 23 aircraft


Integrated Birdstrike Protection


  • Certified bird strike protection for FAR Part 25 and Military aircraft

  • Cox's Low Power Ice Protection Systems are combined with custom-designed birdstrike protection strategies

  • Provides significant weight, cost, and supplier management savings

Comparison of Cox & Company's
Low Power Deicing to Other Systems

Parameter / SystemEMEDSTMEDSPneumatic BootsTKSElectro-Thermal
BITE & Fault ReportingIsolates to sub-componentIsolates to sub-componentHigh-level / Wing-onlyHigh-level / Wing-onlyIsolates to zone
Erosion Surface MaterialMetal or CompositeMetal or CompositeElastomericTitaniumMetal or Composite
Erosion Surface LifeLife of aircraftLife of aircraftMonths to approx. 5 years depending on serviceLife of aircraftLife of aircraft, depending on service
Drag IncrementNo increaseNo increaseMeasurable increaseMinimal increaseNo increase
Deicing PerformanceAs low as 0.050" & no upper limitFrost & no upper limit; bleed air-like performance after exiting icingTypically greater than 0.25"Anti-ice system. Must be activated prior to icing encounter to be effective.Requires parting strip, creates runback ridges
WeightBaselineSlightly greater than baseline for system hardwareEquivalentSystem hardware is equivalent, plus additional 55 lbs (avg) for fluidLess than or up to equivalent; dependent upon electrical generator
Cost (USD)BaselineGreater than baselineEquivalentEquivalent + $100/flight (@ 8 gallons / 2.5 hrs)Equivalent, not including electrical generator
Power (42' span)300W2300W(up to) 775W (1 HP from engine for deflation / inflation + 28W electrical power for control)42W (for pumps and control)>20,000W

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